In today’s day and age with current technology and the speed at which this technology can relay information online learning has become the go-to educational route of choice and for good reason!
University education can be extremely time consuming especially when you have deadlines to meet and lectures to attend; in fact it’s safe to say that higher education allows no room to do anything but study! This however does not take into consideration the personal situation of students. Maybe they have families to support, maybe they’re mature students and can’t take the extended time off work, or maybe they just want to get a top quality education without having to leave their home country! Whatever the case, online education gives you all the freedom to keep on living your day to day life without upsetting the balance.
You see online education is designed in such a way that it works around your schedule and not the other way round; you study at a time that you find convenient and not the other way around. This abundance of flexibility allows students to study at their own pace and still maintain their active work and family duties. In addition online study is a hell of a lot cheaper than campus education; not only does the degree cost less but the extra expenses such as flights, accommodation, groceries and utilities are non-existent as students study from their usual home environment. To top it off you won’t even have to buy books as most online degrees are all-inclusive meaning the only extras a student needs are literally pen and paper.
If you’re in Africa we can go one better and offer you a scholarship for an online degree with some of the world’s most prestigious higher education institutions; all you have to do is apply for a UNICAF scholarship via our website and you’ll be contacted by one of our specially trained student advisors who will guide you through the process.
Happy studies!