Online Learning Vs the Corona Virus

20 MAR 2020 By Eva K
Online Learning Vs the Corona Virus

The threat to universities from the coronavirus pandemic

The coronavirus pandemic forces countries to take strict measures. Universities fear on campus outbreaks. Such outbreaks could create problems with academic procedures. However, there is a very viable alternative to disruptions which threaten universities with closures. The alternative is online learning. Online learning is invincible by diseases, extreme weather phenomena, or social unrest. Therefore, the development of the Internet and technological advances have turned online learning into the new big player in education.

It is flexible, affordable and accessible to almost everyone. Sick students can continue with their studies, new mothers can study while on maternity leave, working professionals can earn higher degrees. Specifically, should the majority be quarantined to contain the spread of the virus, online learning can be a useful distraction; a way to use quarantine time creatively; an opportunity to learn or research interesting things that we never have time to explore; or a way too earn a new qualification to improve your career prospects.

Online learning with Unicaf

Digital platforms, like Unicaf, provide everything a student needs from enrollment to graduation. They provide access to e-libraries and forums to interact with students and tutors in many countries; also, they use modern tools that make learning fun, (videos, quizzes and group projects). Above all, with online learning students can complete modules, submit assignments, take exams and graduate, without setting foot on campus. In addition, Unicaf online graduates receive exactly the same degrees as on campus fellow students. Unicaf is the exclusive online delivery partner of internationally recognised institutions; its partners include the University of Suffolk and Liverpool John Moores University in the UK, the University of California, Riverside Extension in the USA and multi-campus Unicaf University in Africa.