Workplace Challenges After the Covid-19 Pandemic

16 JUN 2020 By Eva K
Workplace Challenges After the Covid-19 Pandemic

As a result of the pandemic, unemployment rates in the USA have risen to 14.7%. More than 40 million people have claimed unemployment benefits after losing their jobs. The situation is quite difficult in most OECD countries too. The Covid-19 global public health crisis is creating severe challenges in the workplace.

Even those still working are feeling anxious about losing their jobs and their livelihoods. Especially so, if they are the sole or main breadwinner in their family. The truth is no one can feel safe in employment anymore.

However, rather than stressing out over the possibility of losing your job, why not prepare yourself for the worst case scenario, in the most creative way possible?

After all, losing your current job does not have to mean the end of your professional life. In fact, there are a number of options and alternatives to consider if you find yourself in this situation.

Find out how you are doing in your job right now

To start with, consider how far you have climbed on the career ladder and where you want to be in five years’ time. Then evaluate your contribution. Be strict with yourself.

Following that, examine your pre-pandemic levels of job satisfaction and the way you were able to adapt to working from home under lock down. Ask yourself whether your contribution increased, remained at the same level or was reduced, while working remotely. To do this exercise correctly you have to answer the following questions:

  • Do your knowledge and skills perfectly match your job?
  • Are your technical IT and computer skills adequate to allow you to switch from working in the office to working from home, without any problems? (Something that may happen again in the future.)
  • Are your personality and talents suited to the position you have?
  • Do you give the maximum of your abilities to the job, (as employers expect you to)?
  • Do you have a job that you like and can do efficiently?

If you have answered ‘no’ to any of the questions above, then you should probably start searching for a job, or industry, where you would be more productive and happy. Most importantly, you must understand that you may need to learn more, retrain or up-skill, in order to become more employable.

It’s never too late to broaden your horizons

Always remember that it’s never too late to make a change that will open up new horizons in your professional life. But do take care to move to a sector of the economy that is growing, even in this negative climate, and is hiring new people.

Naturally, the first sector that comes to mind is Healthcare. Healthcare workers, lab technicians, epidemiologists and health statisticians are the heroes of the day and Healthcare is now acknowledged as a sector of crucial importance, rapidly expanding in all countries.

It’s a fact that healthcare provision needs are expected to continue to grow, as large parts of the world’s populations become elderly and face a multitude of ailments and medical conditions.

Join the booming Healthcare sector

Due to these factors, millions of new positions are expected to open up in the healthcare sector worldwide, not just for doctors and nurses, but also for administrators and managers. Healthcare Management is a sought after specialisation and is expected to become more so in the future.

Unicaf offers four different degrees from internationally recognised, accredited partner universities through online study:

MSc Public Health – the University of Suffolk (UK)

MSc in International Public Health – John Moores Liverpool University (UK)

MBA Health Management – multi-campus Unicaf University

MSc Healthcare Management – multi-campus Unicaf University

Sharpen your digital skills

In addition, you should consider IT, Computer Science and Web Development if you plan a career switch, or an upgrade of your skills. The future of our world is digital, and the current public health crisis has proven how important good IT skills are for every working professional.

Indeed, it is common knowledge that Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, Virtual Reality, Robotics, Block Chain etc are becoming part of our everyday work experience, regardless of whether we work in a factory or an office, in logistics or accounting, in medicine, teaching, management, finance, or the law. Therefore, working professionals must be able to use these tools in their work to be employable.

You can retrain or up-skill in IT, Web Design and Information Systems Management with Unicaf University online. You can study in your own free time, without disrupting your work or family life. The Unicaf University Malawi campus, which has been accredited by the British Accreditation Council (BAC), based in the UK, offers all three degrees.

BSc in Computer Science – Unicaf University

MSc Web Design and Development – Unicaf University

MBA Management Information Systems – Unicaf University


The programmes Unicaf offers through its partner universities are very affordable, thanks to generous scholarships, which reduce tuition fees considerably.

They are also flexible, with 24/7 access to study materials and e-libraries through the Unicaf digital platform. Thus, you can study after work and on week-ends, using a smartphone, a tablet, a laptop or a PC.

Finally, the most important thing for professional success is to ‘Never stop learning new things’, as Elim Chew says. The award winning entrepreneur has over 30 years of business experience in fashion, hospitality and social enterprises. She argues we must sense the problems of the times, understand what needs to change and offer effective solutions.

In other words, to be employable in the post pandemic workplace you must remain alert to challenges and opportunities. Aim for more relevant qualifications, learn sought after skills, and step out of your comfort zone. Dare to try out new ideas and to work in a different position, industry or sector. With Unicaf you can do it!