University of Nicosia Recognized for Excellence – 5 Stars Award (EFQM)

University of Nicosia Recognized for Excellence – 5 Stars Award (EFQM)

We are very happy to announce, that our partner University has received the “Recognized for Excellence in Europe – 5 Stars” award from the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM), adding one more milestone to its journey towards performance excellence. This award ratifies the University’s commitment for constant improvement and its engagement to business excellence, continuous growth and extroversion.

The University of Nicosia is the first and only University in Cyprus and Greece to reach this recognition level (Recognized for Excellence – 5 Stars), which is one of the most prestigious awards for organisational excellence and is given to Europe’s best performing companies. In order to receive this award the University underwent a rigorous in-depth assessment of its performance against the criteria of the EFQM Excellence Model, by a team of independent assessors from the Hellenic Management Association (the sole organization licensed by the EFQM to operate in Greece and Cyprus). The EFQM Excellence Model is a highly respected and widely used organizational framework throughout Europe, as it allows to understand the cause and effect relationships between what the organization does and the results it achieves.

The major findings of the assessment team were given to us in a detailed and thorough Feedback Report. Once we analyze the feedback report, we will inform you about the major strengths and areas for improvement as identified by the assessors’ team that visited the University last month.

We would like to take this opportunity to express our special thanks and appreciation to Dr Alexandros Antonaras who put considerable effort and time in heading and coordinating the whole process. Appreciation is also extended to Stella Demetriades, Dina Hassabi, to the colleagues who participated in meetings and group discussions as well as all those who contributed in any way to the successful outcome of this undertaking.

To find out more the partner universities and the programmes that are available under the UNICAF Scholarships Programme please visit the partner website here