The Path to a UNICAF Scholarship

The Path to a UNICAF Scholarship

When the time comes that you decide to advance your academic or professional career, the first step should be to reflect:

  • What is your academic or professional goal?
  • What fields are of interest to you?
  • Does the job you want provide employment and career opportunities at your location?

Once you have decided what area of studies is right for you, it’s time to find our which course takes you to your goals. You can visit our Partner Programme section to see the available programmes UNICAF offers and read the details about the degrees. As a general rule, the academic path takes you to a Bachelor’s degree, then a Master’s, and finally a Doctorate degree. It is possible that you select a Master’s that differs to your Bachelor’s degree; however, having a basic knowledge about the subject you want to study will help you greatly. Additionally to university degrees, UNICAF offers Professional Development Short Courses that provide a detailed look into specific subjects in an expedited amount of time.

If you feel like that you are ready to take the first step, all you need is to apply directly on the website. This is the part of the registration process and is not a commitment from your side. After you submit the application form, a Student Adviser will contact you and discuss:

  • Your qualifications for the course
  • The details about the degree
  • The eligibility criteria
  • If you want to study only online or at the Unicaf University Campus in Malawi
  • The documentation that you will need to provide for your administration
  • The level of scholarship you are eligible for
  • Possible payment plan that suits your budget

Once you have agreed with the Student Adviser that you would like to proceed and submitted all the paperwork, your application will be reviewed by the Admissions Officer to determine if your academic qualifications meet the minimum criteria and the Scholarship Committee.

Finally, you will be contacted with the decision of the Admissions Officer and the Scholarship Committee. Students that study online, can also take advantage of our Learning Centres that are located at several locations worldwide.

For the ones that commence their studies, the UNICAF team will continue to be at your side every step of the way.