Unicaf is one of the most generous scholarship programmes available. The programme supports students that need financial support and provides opportunities for studies towards various distance learning degree programmes.
Unicaf already awarded more than $100 million worth of scholarships. Each scholarship application is given consideration and a decision for a percentage of scholarship is made depending on the academic qualifications and the financial need of the student. Eligible students will be awarded a partial scholarship. See if you are eligible here.
Four Reasons to study Online MBA at Unicaf:
Higher salary with very Low Tuition Fees:
The average salary for an MBA graduate is considerably higher than that of an employee without. Online learning gives you access to modern education at a fraction of the cost with the Unicaf Scholarship Porgramme!
Better career opportunities with Internationally Recognised Degrees:
Graduates of an MBA program have, due to their qualification, higher chances of obtaining and holding a high level management position. You can easily apply to get you MBA and start learning, benefiting from a state-of-the-art Virtual Learning Environment!
Better consolidated business network, as well as easy and quick Registration Process at Unicaf:
As an MBA student, you have great networking opportunities. Through this type of study you get to know and interact in a relevant manner with fellow students and faculty. Start your career through Unicaf with quality programmes taught by lecturers who are national and international experts!
New skills and knowledge enhancement with a Flexible, 24/7 Online Access:
MBA education is usually pursued in a very specific situation by a young professional with a few years of experience and sometimes even by senior employees that feel up for the challenge. After some time in the professional life it is in the human nature to conform to a certain repetitiveness and to stagnate in a comfort zone. It is easy to enhance your knowledge with Unicaf because there are no fixed study hours or on-campus classes. Adjust your studying schedule to suit your needs. The only requirement is to keep up with your deadlines.
Choose your Online MBA:
University of Suffolk
University of East London
Unicaf University