University Study Tips

04 MAR 2016 By Unicaf Team
University Study Tips

Starting a University can be an exciting time. For people who study online and working at the same time there are some useful tips to do.

1) Establish your timetable: Schedule your projects and your assignments the days that you don’t work or the days that you don’t have a lot of work to do. Decide how you can best use the remaining time, recognising the importance of allocating time for recreation, socialising, family, and yourself.

2) Plan your day : Make a daily list with the things that you want to do. Add your study in your list daily.

3) Take care of yourself: The good nutrition and the exercise help to have better results in your studies. Ensure that your diet is nutritional and that you eat regularly.

4) Study with friends : Studying with a friend it’s a good idea to motivate yourself and to not feeling lonely. You enjoy your time and you don’t feeling bored.

Many people study online! See how they plan their schedule to fit with their job!