The history of e-learning

The history of e-learning

E- Learning

The term “e learning” has only been in existence since 1999, when the word was first utilized at a CBT systems seminar. Associated with such utterances as “Online Learning” or “Virtual Learning” this word want to meant to qualify a way to learn based on the use of new technologies allowing access online.

The 1980s

In this decade the first MAC enabled individuals to have computers in their homes, making easier to learn more about particular subjects and develop their competences.

The 1990s

By the early of 90s some schools provide online courses, bringing education to people unable to attend a college due to geographical or time constraints. Technology helped education to reduce the costs of distance learning and helping bring education to a wider audience.

At the end of 90s the learning management systems spread widely. Some Universities design and develop their own systems.

The 2000s

In the 2000s, businesses began using e-learning to train their employees. At home, individuals can study online and earn online degrees. Online education help people to work and study at the same time.

The 2010

This decade inspired by social media learning like YouTube, Massive Open Online courses, Selective Open Online Courses.

The 2014

98% of public colleges and universities offer Online Programmes.

The 2016

UNICAF  has already awarded $35,000,000 worth of scholarships. It is a scholarship programme to support students that are domiciled in Africa and provides opportunities for studies towards various distance learning degree programmes awarded by European, British and American universities such as the University of Nicosia, the University of South Wales and the Marymount California University at a fraction of the cost.

Learn more about Unicaf Programmes