How Education can affect Your Income

13 MAY 2016 By Unicaf Team
How Education can affect Your Income

Education can change lives, but it can also change one’s economic circumstances. The level of income one can earn post-university is perhaps the easiest to measure return on investment in education. Those in the procession of masters, doctoral or professional degrees earning  more during their careers than those with less education.

Only a few people have a certain high level of education.  Therefore, for an employer, the higher the educational requirement, the more money he is willing to pay.

Thus, the higher your level of education, the more you are worth in the job market.

Education is Important for your future career!

The first thing you have to do is to finish high school and then decide which programme you want to do study to earn your degree. Here is a list of many programmes currently available with UNICAF to choose to study for your degree.

If you can’t afford full tuition fees to study, check if you are eligible to apply for a UNICAF Scholarship.