At a special event for the press and media, Unicaf University announced that it has received the National Council for Higher Education (NCHE) licence to operate in Uganda. The Press Conference was held on the 26th of October 2021 at the Serena Hotel in Kampala and was attended by more than fifty journalists, distinguished guests and Unicaf University students and graduates.
Dorothy Mukimba, Senior Marketing Officer, opened the event by introducing the Vice-Chancellor of Unicaf University in Uganda, Professor George Nasinyama, who described the mission and vision of multi-campus, pan African Unicaf University, highlighting what the people of Uganda can expect from the institution. A video presentation followed, of the facilities at the brand new campus of Unicaf University, located on Plot 53B Ntinda II Road, in Kampala.
Unicaf University’s Pro Vice-Chancellor for Academic Innovation at Federal Level, Dr. Antony Brogden-Ward, addressed the media via video link from Unicaf’s HQ in Cyprus, emphasising the organisation’s commitment to delivering international quality higher education at an affordable cost to all eligible candidates across the world, through strategic partnerships with universities in the UK, (the University of East London, Liverpool John Moore’s University and the University of Suffolk), and in Africa with multi-campus Unicaf University.
Unicaf University graduates present at the event shared their personal experience of studying online with the University. Mr Andrew Nalumenya and Ms Solomy Kyalirizo Nduhukire, both MBA graduates, spoke about the multiple benefits a higher degree can bring to one’s career and life. They referred to the flexibility of the online model of study provided by Unicaf University, the generous scholarships and easy payment plans, the convenience of studying from home, at your own pace, without disruptions to work or family schedules, or delays because of the measures for the pandemic.
The representative of the State Minister for Higher Education, Honourable Dr Muyingo, Mr Timothy Sejjoba, Principle Education Officer, read the Minister’s speech, highlighting the importance of technology in the delivery of higher education. The Minister for Higher Education underlined: ‘The virtual age is one which will not only help us manage this pandemic but it also presents us with an opportunity to widen the reach of higher education. The move away from physical classroom delivery makes it possible to reach students in even the most remote parts of the country. I, therefore, welcome Unicaf University and challenge the leadership to begin thinking of these opportunities. The Minister underlined that the Government of Uganda is prioritising the delivery of science-based educational programmes, which will support the country’s industrialisation agenda. He also applauded Unicaf University for the scholarships and easy payment plans it offers to Ugandans and asked the institution to support research into problems areas that require solutions.
The Minister of ICT and National Guidance Honourable DrChris Baryomunsi emphasised that Unicaf University’s online mode of teaching resonates with the mandate of the Ministry. Dr Baryomunsi stressed that the government of Uganda is working tirelessly to ensure distribution and access of internet services in all parts of the country so that all eligible candidates can study online. He stated: “Learning is undergoing a revolution …we should embrace these innovations and technologies and we should support these methods of instruction…. teaching, and learning online is one example of the andragogical methods which we must embrace.”
After his speech, the Minister signed the plaque highlighting Unicaf University’s ‘commitment to increasing access to quality, international cutting-edge, higher education in Uganda’ to mark the launch of the institution in the country.
Finally, the Minister of ICT and National Guidance and the University’s Vice-Chancellor answered questions placed to them by journalists attending the event. Dr Baryomunsi urged all Ugandans to take up the offer from Unicaf University to further their studies with generous scholarships, without worrying about tuition fees. He also stated that his Ministry is planning to help the Education Sector by making Internet access available countrywide gradually within the next years, and at an affordable cost, in order to encourage and facilitate online learning and e-commerce.