Online Learning Is Greener

Online Learning Is Greener

Did you know that online learning is better for the environment than conventional face-to-face learning? A recent study has found that producing and providing online learning courses consumes an average of 90% less energy and produces 85% fewer CO2 emissions per student than conventional face-to-face courses.

Although many of us make small choices to help our environment, when you consider options for helping to keep our planet clean and green, what you may not realise is the impact that online learning can make. So just how beneficial is online learning to the environment?

First of all, it reduces classroom time, materials, and travel costs, all of which are significant benefits. Reduced travel also substantially reduces the CO2 generated. If you consider as an example, a 50 week, twenty student course that meets three times a week, the results are quite unbelievable. The tremendous amount of CO2 generated for a course like this equals about 200 vehicles driving 12,000 miles a year using 6,000 barrels of oil! If this course is undertaken online, it not only saves about 1,200 tons of CO2, but also eliminates more than $1 million in travel expenses.

If you also take into consideration the amount of wasted paper used for traditional classroom lectures that can be eliminated when courses and employee handbooks are offered online, it really does add up very quickly.

If you’ve never considered the green aspects of online learning, you can be sure that by choosing an online degree course, you’re also doing your bit for the environment.

Find out more about Unicaf’s online degree courses here.