Unicaf University, Zambia is proud to announce the successful completion of its engaging and highly interactive radio quiz competition held in collaboration with Phoenix FM. The quiz, which aired on Phoenix FM’s popular breakfast show, brought together listeners from across the nation and created an exciting platform for participants to showcase their knowledge while learning more about the wide range of educational opportunities available at Unicaf University.
The competition was held every working day for 10 consecutive days whereby listeners were asked to respond to a daily quiz question. The winners were randomly selected by Phoenix FM to ensure transparency and fairness. The five lucky winners of brand-new tablets were warmly welcomed at the Unicaf University campus for the prize-giving ceremony. The event was filled with excitement as the winners received their prizes from the University’s representatives. They expressed their appreciation, with some mentioning how the tablets would aid them in their future educational pursuits.
In addition to the quiz competition, Unicaf University had the opportunity to conduct two spot interviews on Phoenix FM. These interviews were led by Ms Valerie Kalinso, Marketing and Business Development Manager and Ms Nancy Nkonde, Senior Marketing Officer. During the interviews, they highlighted the extensive benefits of studying with Unicaf University, promoted the scholarship opportunities, the state-of-the-art new campus and the diverse academic programmes available to students.
The success of this radio quiz competition exemplifies Unicaf University’s commitment to providing innovative ways of engaging with the community, promoting educational opportunities, and ensuring that learning can be both interactive and fun.