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Unicaf University Launches New Office in Blantyre, Malawi

Date Published: 26 JAN 2022 By: Kostas Y
Unicaf University Launches New Office in Blantyre, Malawi

Unicaf University is proud to announce that it has launched its new office in Blantyre, Malawi. The purpose of the office is to act as a satellite point for Unicaf University students. Additionally, the office will establish the presence of Unicaf University in the south of the country as well as advising prospective students of its degree programmes. 

The launch was attended by invited guests and dignitaries such as His Worship, the Mayor of Blantyre, Councillor Wild Ndipo who formally inaugurated the proceedings with the ribbon cutting ceremony in front of local media. Also present were the Chancellor of Unicaf University,  Professor Joseph Kuthemba Mwale and Vice-Chancellor, Dr Robert Ridley.

Dr Ridley, in his speech, highlighted the importance of the Blantyre office in terms of reaching out and engaging with those locally and in the surrounding areas. He stressed the significance of the Blantyre office and looks forward to establishing and maintaining strong relationships with schools, employers and other educational institutions. He also emphasised the need to host social events in order to meet students and discuss any issues they may have so as to improve Unicaf University’s services. 

Within the past year, Unicaf University held two graduation ceremonies honouring 574 students from Malawi and 50 other countries. The current pandemic has not hindered students from their online studies. As Unicaf University Chancellor Professor Mwale wisely pointed out, “e-learning is the way to go.”

About Unicaf University

Unicaf University offers Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctoral degrees in a wide range of subjects. It combines traditional face-to-face tuition with the active use of digital learning tools through an innovative blended learning approach. The Unicaf University campus is accredited nationally by the NCHE and internationally by the British Accreditation Council (BAC) based in the UK.

Students have the opportunity to earn internationally recognised degrees at a low cost through 100% online delivery or with the option of on-campus study. Students can benefit from the Unicaf Scholarship Programme that has already awarded $100 million worth of scholarships to more than 60,000 applicants in over 170 countries.

In addition to Unicaf University programmes, eligible students can also apply to study fully online for a recognised degree from one of our partner universities.