Unicaf had the distinct honour of attending the prestigious Moringa School graduation ceremony held at the Visa Oshwal Community Centre on 2nd August 2024. This highly anticipated event marked a significant milestone for the graduates, symbolising the culmination of their rigorous training programmes and signifying their readiness to embark on promising professional journeys.
The highlight of the ceremony was the presence of Winnie Rachael, Unicaf’s esteemed Country Manager, who served as the main guest speaker. She delivered an inspiring and motivational speech that captivated the audience. Her address emphasised the critical importance of continuous learning, the necessity of resilience in overcoming challenges, and the transformative power of education in unlocking individual potential and creating boundless opportunities. Furthermore, she underscored the successful partnership between Unicaf and Moringa School, which has been pivotal in enhancing educational and professional development opportunities for students.
Unicaf’s participation in the Moringa School graduation ceremony was a resounding success, demonstrating the organisation’s unwavering commitment to education and professional development. The event provided a valuable platform to engage with future leaders and innovators, reinforcing Unicaf’s role as a key player in the education sector.
This memorable occasion not only highlighted Unicaf’s dedication to fostering educational excellence but also celebrated the achievements of the graduates as they prepare to make their mark in the professional world.