Book Of The Week: David Allen’s Getting Things Done

25 FEB 2016 By Unicaf Team
Book Of The Week: David Allen’s Getting Things Done

Book of the week is a quick overview of great books every week.

So this week we have David Allen’s Getting Things Done.

Getting Things Done is the best possible solution to making sure you’re taking on the tasks in your life and work most effectively.

David Allen’s book covers the GTD method of making sure you are doing everything effectively to the last detail.

With GTD tress can be reduced and productivity increased by putting reminders about everything you are not working on into a trusted system external to your mind. In this way, you can work on the task at hand without distraction from the “incompletes.” The system in GTD requires you have within easy reach an inbox, a trash can, a filing system for reference material, several lists, and a calendar. These tools can be physical or electronic as appropriate (e.g. physical in tray or email inbox).As “stuff” enters your life, it is captured in these tools and processed.

If you’re interested in proper task management then this is the book for you.