Organisational and Scheduling Tips For The UNICAF Student

17 AUG 2015 By Unicaf Team
Organisational and Scheduling Tips For The UNICAF Student

Relating to our last blog about the essential questions you need to be asking yourself if you’re a current or prospective UNICAF student here’s a few tips in relation to organisation and scheduling.


1. Study Calendar

 Make sure you have a study calendar in place; know what you’re going to study and when. And more importantly, know your deadlines so you’re always prepared!

2. Foresight

Knowing what’s due, and when, can greatly help in organising your study calendar, the reason for this is simple; looking ahead helps you plan your study time allowing you to begin on a given assignment with a head start.

3. Regular Check Ins

Checking in to your VLE (Virtual Learning Environment) on a regular basis is essential to success; the VLE is your virtual lecture theatre, make sure you treat it with that level of respect.

4. Honesty

Be honest with your instructors and most importantly yourself. In other words if you’re unable to meet a deadline discuss it with your instructor and see what can be done to take care of the missed deadline; however, make sure you’re honest with yourself about why you missed the deadline. What do we mean by this? Missing the deadline because of an unexpected tragedy is not the same as missing it because you couldn’t be bothered to put in the work!

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