How Exercise Can Be Beneficial For Studying

How Exercise Can Be Beneficial For Studying

We all know the benefits of exercise to our health and its is always important to find time to exercise, especially during exams when so much time is spent sitting at your desk all day, and often into the night.

Why Should Students Exercise?

Not only is exercise good for your overall health and fitness, it also boosts your mental well-being. Exercise helps keep you calm during your exams. You will feel more refreshed and energised which will help you perform better. Regular physical activity will also help you maintain a healthy weight and decrease your risk of major illnesses, such as heart disease and cancer.

Keeping active need not require a lot of time and effort. Doing around 2 ½ hours of moderate exercise such as walking or cycling every week will give you many health benefits as well as helping you on your way to achieving your degree.

Getting Started With Exercise

You can get started by finding out what sports facilities are available in your area. There may be a sports centre close by with a range of activities so you should be able to find an activity to that suits you. Even if you don’t have a sports facility nearby, you can still reach your weekly quota of exercise by incorporating some easy ways to exercise into your daily routine. For example:

  • Walk more instead of driving or getting the bus
  • Take the stairs rather than the lift
  • If you have a bike use it to get about or go for a bike ride with friends
  • Rent or buy an exercise DVD. Share the cost and fun with your friends
  • If you’re going out in the evening, dance. It’s a great way to meet new friends as well as keep in shape.
  • Go for a jog or better still, jog with friends

Exercise Tips For Exam Times

During exams you may feel unable to take much time out from your studies. Rather than giving up on exercise altogether, try taking small, regular breaks to refresh yourself and clear your mind. Taking a short, brisk walk is a good way of getting some exercise. You could also try to exercise first thing in the morning. Morning exercise tends to wake you up and gives you energy for the day. Try swimming, a gentle jog or doing some stretching exercises.

Think about what times of day you work best. Some people find revising and completing coursework easier in the morning, while others are more productive in the afternoon or evening.

So, plan your day and fit some exercise around your study plan. Exercising is not only good for the body but good for the mind…and the perfect partner for successful studying!