Should I Study For An Online Degree?

Should I Study For An Online Degree?

Students decide on degree courses for a variety of reasons and different expectations. Graduates don’t just measure the value of their degrees purely in economic terms – it’s equally about the improved career opportunities and better employability that having a degree brings. Both aspects are key factors to be taken into consideration when deciding whether it will be beneficial to go into higher education.

There’s no doubt that studying for a degree is an attractive personal investment which will provide substantial long-term financial gain and lots of other benefits for graduates. We know that throughout their working lives, graduates are more than likely to earn around 25% more than those who leave education after secondary or high school education. It is interesting and a comforting thought for would-be students that despite the increase in the number of graduates, there does not appear at this time to have been any significant negative impact on the longer-term financial benefits of studying for a degree.

A degree most certainly has positive implications on employability. It’s a fact that graduates are more likely to find themselves employed than those who leave college or school with just A levels or their equivalent. Even after periods of no work, graduates are more likely to be able to successfully return to employment. Higher education is therefore a real investment in your future.

Obviously a university education brings more than just monetary benefits. Some benefits are personal to the individual concerned, while others are more beneficial to society generally. Some are not easy to define or measure and can only be perceived in general terms. Take these examples, where research has suggested that graduates:

  • Secure better quality jobs than non-graduates
  • Have better all-round health
  • Become more influential in the community as active citizens
  • Exhibit a positive attitude towards diversity and equal opportunities including gender and race equality
  • Contribute to a pool of wider innovation and economic growth due to their higher skill levels

In summary, there has been enough evidence over the years to suggest that graduates earn substantially more than non-graduates and the wider benefits are clear. For those who want to embrace those benefits and enjoy the advantages that a degree brings, why not consider studying online with UNICAF?

If you are interested in studying for a degree and applying for a scholarship, check out your eligibility here: We look forward to receiving your application.