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Have you ever heard of Maslow? He was a famous psychologist that had a burning desire to understand what motivates people. In his eyes people had a set of systems that defined their motivations regardless of rewards of subconscious desires. His belief was that people are motivated to achieve certain needs. Once a person fulfils a specific need he or she will immediately move on to the next one. The first and most commonly referred to version of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, as he called it, was comprised of 5 motivational needs shown as levels of a pyramid. The pyramid…

If you are reading this, you probably know how to use a computer, tablet or smartphone. This gets you a step closer to earning your degree. But first, let’s have a look at what are the differences from an online course to a traditional on-campus experience. For almost one thousand years, attending Universities has been the ultimate goal in education. Now, in the 21st century, you no longer are forced to relocate or chose an inferior alternative to get the best out of abilities. While attending classes on campus gives you the feeling that you are close to your teachers…