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Unicaf University Student Visit to One-Acre Unlimited Farm

Press Release
Unicaf University Student Visit to One-Acre Unlimited Farm

Unicaf University students in Uganda recently embarked on a unique educational experience with a farm visit to Dr Emma Naluyima’s renowned One-Acre Unlimited farm in Uganda. The visit aimed to provide students with an opportunity to network, share experiences, and gain practical knowledge about maximising the potential of small-scale farming.

Dr Naluyima, an accomplished farmer and host of the farm visit, warmly welcomed the students and encouraged them to introduce themselves, sharing their areas of study and personal interests. She proceeded to provide a comprehensive overview of the farm’s principles, dos and don’ts of farming, and the significance of agriculture in Uganda.

Highlighting the importance of utilising small plots of land efficiently, Dr Naluyima inspired the students by demonstrating how she maximises productivity on her one-acre farm. The guided tour showcased various aspects of farming, including cattle rearing, fish farming, banana planting, tomato cultivation, and poultry care. Dr Naluyima patiently answered students’ questions, fostering an engaging and informative session.

The students’ enthusiasm and active participation led to an extended visit beyond the initially planned hour, as they eagerly absorbed knowledge from Dr Naluyima’s expertise. Impressed by her warm and open-minded approach, Mr Moses Turyagumanawe, Marketing Manager of Unicaf University in Uganda, expressed gratitude on behalf of the team, acknowledging the educational value gained from the experience.

Following the farm visit, the team proceeded to enjoy lunch at White Sand Beach. During this time, students provided valuable feedback, expressing their appreciation to Unicaf University for organising such an enriching and informative event.

The farm visit not only brought students together to network and share experiences but also offered practical insights into small-scale farming techniques.