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Studying abroad can be a great experience for you. The thought of living in a different place sounds exciting and relatively straight forward. What is important for you to know though is that there is a certain amount of preparation and thought involved. Besides the academic qualifications and the spare time needed, the cost of studying is one of the main decisive factors if you can study or not. Naturally, when speaking about money and studies, you might immediately think of tuition fees. But is this all you should consider?

Time is a critical component of all spheres of life. Sometimes, however, it feels like you are always in a rush trying to catch up with passing time. Hours in a day never seem enough and you always have items in your to-do list unchecked. Time management can be challenging especially in regards to a whole day. It is easy to organise yourself for a few hours but when it comes to the whole day time may slip through your fingers without you noticing. Below are time management tips that will help you stay on top of things.

Over the past decade, healthcare across Africa has increased substantially. As the World Health Organization has stated already in 2014, there has been an increase of vaccinations, treatment options and preventative medicine in many areas. Additionally, with a growing middle class and lower poverty rates, private healthcare is also becoming an option for more people which relieves the strain on public healthcare. Nevertheless, the increasing mobility of people and an increase of non-communicable diseases, such as cancer, heart disease, etc. create new challenges that need to be addressed on a wider scale.

Passing the bar and holding a first degree in legal studies from a great school has stopped being an automatic ticket to finding a dream job with any reputable law firm in the country today. The reason for this is simple; law firms tend to keep existing staff on long-term coaching contracts while leaving little or no room for aspiring practitioners, as vacancies are easily filled up, with very qualified learned colleagues. This leaves us with the only option of exploring new opportunities. And with that comes the need to consider doing a Master of Laws.

Every major market transformation has a strong base in the effectiveness with which goods and services are exchanged. This could be either from business to customer, business to business, business to business to consumer, etc. Today, more businesses can now penetrate areas with limited business reach, including rural areas through an effective supply chain system.

Most people think only of hotels and restaurants when they speak of hospitality. However, in reality, the term pays homage to a broader scope in the definition. A degree in hospitality management opens up a variety of career options for graduates and professionals. The Hospitality industry caters to several fields like tourism, hotels, restaurants, event management, luxury brand management, or any other business-related service management.