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In the recent past, the employment industry has developed tremendously. The changes affect everyone. Whether you are the employer or employee, you are affected. Jobs are undergoing rapid developments across all sectors. For instance, you may be worried about being replaced by robots. That is if you are the employee. Inventions like automation and Artificial intelligence are threatening your job. This was not the case decades ago. Moreover, as the employer, you may demand more of your employees than before. No one can blame you though. You are fighting to remain relevant in their industry. On the other hand, your employees demand more pay from you. It is either that or they switch jobs. As a result, we have compiled a list of the top three trends.

When thinking about entrepreneurship what comes to mind? To most people, it’s having a brilliant idea that wasn’t there before. To some extent this is correct. However, the idea can be simple and very effective too. The idea is just the first step though. Entrepreneurship is more than the idea. You need knowledge of the business before starting. Most businesses fail due to lack of familiarity with the area. The idea was very solid but the owner knew little about the business. You may be thinking but I’m taking a risk. So you don’t need any knowledge beforehand. That’s where you are wrong. Take risks but calculated risks. Before venturing in entrepreneurship, read the following reasons for acquiring knowledge.

If you are considering doing a postgraduate degree, an MBA is a good choice. Among other things, it increases employment opportunities. Besides, it boosts your potential. Most people are reluctant to start an MBA class. This is because it is quite expensive. Also, they don’t see how it is going to payback. There are lots of benefits to acquiring an MBA degree. Moreover, you can decide to do an online MBA. It is way cheaper compared to traditional teaching. Institutions like UNICAF provide online MBA degrees. In fact, the institution offers you scholarships for the MBA degree.

Preparing for exams can be a real big challenge. As a matter of fact, to some extent, everyone faces challenges while preparing for examinations. Depending on different people, this includes a wide range of challenges. For instance, where to study, when the best time to start preparing is among others. There are no shortcuts in doing well in examinations. You have to prepare adequately for your exams. To help you, we have provided four key exam tips to help you. 

Any business should always focus on growth and development as part of its strategy. This includes the area of employee development as well. Employees are the driving force for your business. Your employees should attend corporate training regularly. This creates skill development in your team of employees. This is essential for your business to move forward. Every business owner desires development in their organization. Most owners avoid the option due to continuous costs incurred in the business. You should look beyond this and see the benefits that come with corporate training. If you want your business to improve, stop considering hiring new managers. Instead, make corporate training a priority. There are many reasons why this is so. Here are 4 of the major ones.

The demand for finance and accounting professionals, including BSc Accounting and Finance graduates, is growing all the time. As more businesses continue to spring up, including the expansive need for accounting related tasks, the need for accounting professionals continues to grow. In 2018, the Financial Reporting Council calculated the number of accountancy students worldwide at around 590,000 and recorded a 2.4% increase in student numbers from 2016-17.

The school curriculum and getting good grades has been effective in career building and getting a good job. However, due to economic development, good grades are not enough. You may do well but miss out on a job. This is because you may lack some skills the employer is keen on. Such skills are relevant to employment in the 21st century and the technology-based era. Students and graduates should do their best to learn these skills. They will give you a competitive edge in the modern economy. Here is a list of four of such skills.

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