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Own your journey is a phrase used to encourage you to take charge of your career’s destiny. A key trait quality of anyone with the intention of succeeding in their career is a strong desire to own their journey. owning their career journey. It means being responsible for your decisions, achievements, and even mistakes. At the end of the day, your career will only be a summation of your efforts and input. Here are 5 ways to own your journey and make it all count.

Everywhere is a classroom for Emily Kamizi, even the buses in Lusaka, Zambia’s congested capital. It can take an hour or more to cross the city, so Ms. Kamizi puts on her headphones, turns up Taylor Swift and concentrates on her M.B.A. studies. Ms. Kamizi, 25, is a student at Unicaf University, an African institution founded in 2012 with programs in fields like business, education and health care management. Offering degrees largely online, with some blended learning options, Unicaf reaches 18,000 students across the continent, many of them working adults.