This is my archive

When you remember things you’re always convinced that you remember them correctly right? In fact how many times have you found yourself in an argument with someone else because their version of a story differs to yours? How many times have you said your memory is wrong and mine is right? Funnily enough, the truth is much more complex than either of you being right; in fact, it’s most likely that you’re both wrong! How can that be possible? Simple. Your brain only remembers key details and fills in the blanks. In other words your memory is not stored like…

Following on from the Ted Conference sponsored by our partners the University Of Nicosia, we’d like to share a few blogs with you this week regarding some of the speakers’ presentations. First up is Mr. Andreas Papadopoulos. Before we get into specifics about Mr. Papadopoulos Ted presentation, we’d like to give you a random fact about Andreas; did you know he is in actual fact the man who invented the coating you find on M&Ms? Amazing right? With that out of the way, let’s get into the specifics about Mr. Papadopoulos’s immensely, heartfelt presentation. On the surface, the presentation was…