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Studying for an MBA is not the same as being an undergraduate, where you can, in theory, take a year or two to choose a major and consider different career paths. The process moves a bit faster as an MBA student and by now, you should have a solid idea or two in mind, in order to make the most of your courses, as well as networking and recruitment opportunities. The following jobs are ideally suited to MBA graduates: 1. IT Analyst: These analysts monitor and protect an organisation’s computer network and systems. These are highly sought after jobs and most…

‘So, you’ve paid your start up fees and now you’re wondering what next? The Student Guide can offer you an idea of what to expect when starting your first module and useful tips preparing you to navigate the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) with ease. Whether you’re a newcomer or a veteran in regards to online learning it is vital that you understand you now have access to a whole new world of education. Everything you need in regards your module is on the VLE and although you may be alone, looking at the screen wondering if you made the right choice studying online please bear in mind in mind you will not be…