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If you sometimes find it difficult to focus or retain learned information while you are studying, eating healthy foods may improve your capabilities. Most peoples’ diets lack nutrients and have excessive amounts of sugars added as well as unhealthy fat and salt. Just like the rest of your body, your brain requires appropriate nutrition to function properly and research shows that improving your food choices may boost your academic performance as well as your overall health. A healthy diet can help you with your studies by allowing you to concentrate more so that you can realise your greatest academic potential.

A good memory very much depends on the health of your brain. Whether you’re a student studying for exams or a working professional interested in staying sharp mentally, there are many things you can do to improve your memory and mental performance. Using these five memory-boosting techniques can help increase your ability to learn new information and retain it over time… 1. Repeat One of the most important rules of learning and memory is to repeat, repeat and repeat again. The brain also responds to novelty so repeating something in a different way or different time will make the most…

Studying for an MBA is not the same as being an undergraduate, where you can, in theory, take a year or two to choose a major and consider different career paths. The process moves a bit faster as an MBA student and by now, you should have a solid idea or two in mind, in order to make the most of your courses, as well as networking and recruitment opportunities. The following jobs are ideally suited to MBA graduates: 1. IT Analyst: These analysts monitor and protect an organisation’s computer network and systems. These are highly sought after jobs and most…

‘So, you’ve paid your start up fees and now you’re wondering what next? The Student Guide can offer you an idea of what to expect when starting your first module and useful tips preparing you to navigate the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) with ease. Whether you’re a newcomer or a veteran in regards to online learning it is vital that you understand you now have access to a whole new world of education. Everything you need in regards your module is on the VLE and although you may be alone, looking at the screen wondering if you made the right choice studying online please bear in mind in mind you will not be…

Studying for an an MBA while working is no mean feat. It will almost certainly be a juggling act, but it is not impossible. Here are several tips to help you cope with both your work life and your MBA responsibilities. 1. Choose Your Program Carefully Consider all the options when looking for the right MBA program. There are many programs available that have been created for business people such as part time, evening or online programs (see below). 2. Consider Studying For An Online MBA Studying for an online MBA program will give you more flexibility and control over your…

So, you’ve made it through to higher education. You’ve successfully handed in homework assignments and passed exams for the majority of your school life. There’s also a good chance that you have your study routine in place, whether it’s a nightcap and your textbooks in your bedroom or a quiet library corner you’ve claimed as your own. However, it could be that the study habits you’ve practised for over a decade may not be serving you as well as they could be. Research has shown that some common sense study techniques such as spending hours at a time concentrating on one…

Some degree courses may be more suitable for you than others but you should remember that according to research, around 40% of jobs available to fresh graduates are open to those with a degree in any subject. So, if you’re not sure what you want to do when you graduate, you may well be safe studying a subject you think you will enjoy, even if it may not be the one which qualifies you for a particular career. There are, of course, some careers such as medicine, dentistry and architecture which are almost impossible to enter without first gaining the…

Every year hundreds of thousands of adults around the world take the opportunity to develop their careers by means of higher education….and the good news is that higher education is for everyone regardless of age. There really is no such thing as a ‘typical’ mature student although they tend to be defined as students aged 21 or over when they begin their studies. As far as we can generalise, around half the world’s students are aged between 21 and 24, 38% between 25 and 39 and 10% over 40 when they commence their courses. There are many different reasons for…

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