Impact of Institutional Capacity Building Framework self-assessments on the performance of the AFROSAI-E member states.


Regional organisations have been formed by various groups in order to share ideas and have common ways of operations. The regional organisations also develop frameworks and standards that guide the operations of each member so that there is uniformity in how they do things and this assists in sharing of personnel to facilitate learning and skills sharing among the members. This has been the case with the African Organisations of Supreme Audit Institutions for English speaking countries (AFROSAI-E) which is made up of 26 Auditor Generals’ offices from English speaking African countries. The organisation started the Institution Capacity Building Framework (ICBF) in 2006, which had five focus areas for the development and improvement of the functioning of the Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs). Every year each country carries out a self-assessment and answers the questions on the five domains to gauge how far their SAI is progressing. The collected information gives AFROSAI-E insight that will enable it to provided targeted interventions to the countries. This study aims to find out if these self-assessments result in an improved performance of the SAIs or they are acts of futility. The expectation is that we should see a corresponding improvement in the assessed variables, at least after passage of time. One other area that will be studied is to gauge the attainment of the developed level of the ICBF, as that has been the aim of the region since 2014. This study will assist the various SAIs to identify areas that need to be improved as they will the big picture of how the region is doing in terms of reaching and exceeding development level 3. The strategic management of the SAIs will therefore benefit from this study and it will enable them to devise performance strategies as they will have the input to kick-start the strategic planning process.

Item Type: 
capacity building, self-assessment, AFROSAI-E
Depositing User: 
Seolebaleng Nkhisang
Date Deposited: 
02 September 2022 09:15