Unpacking the relationship between employee brand ambassadorship and employee social media usage through employee wellbeing in workplace: A theoretical contribution

This paper aims to explore the importance of SM in fostering employee wellbeing and promoting through this relationship employee brand ambassadorship in new innovative lines. In this paper, we have proposed a conceptual framework on the role of SM usage to advance the theoretical understanding of SM usage and employee wellbeing, and employee brand advocacy. In doing so, we have framed a model embracing the effect of SM usage on employee wellbeing and employee brand advocacy, and how employee brand advocacy can act as vital communicational activity with various stakeholders of the organization. This study contributes in the literature, as the ending point of this paper is the theoretical formulation of a new relationship between SM employee usage with employee wellbeing and employee advocacy. This paper is proposing a model embracing the effect of SM usage on employee wellbeing and advocacy and, set up the boundaries for future empirical work.

Sakka, G. and Ahammad, M. F. (2020), “Unpacking the relationship between employee brand ambassadorship and employee social media usage through employee wellbeing in workplace: a theoretical contribution”, Journal of Business Research, 119, 354-363 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusres.2020.03.038 (Scopus Indexed, 3 Stars ABS)

Item Type:
Social Media (SM) employee usage, Employee brand ambassadorship, Employee advocacy, Stakeholder
Depositing User:
Georgia Sakka, Mohammad Faisal Ahammad
Date Deposited:
March 2020