Management Information Systems: A strategic tool for business


For a number of years there has been little research conducted on the evaluation of Management Information Systems (MIS) which has resulted to a lack of knowledge on the variables and tools for determining the usage and impact of MIS on supporting an organisation to reach its strategic goals. Due to this gap in the studies, this study explored MIS as a strategic tool for business to enhance organisational effectiveness and performance. The theoretical framework is relying on the Delone and McLean’s technological success model which is usually used when conducting technological studies. Exploring and using a wide-ranging literature review on the past and more current studies, the research framework fused a number of several new objects employed by researchers for the evaluation of MIS on business. Following an evaluation of literature on a number of businesses, the study came up with findings and made a conclusion which provides a clear understanding of the use of MIS in a business to enhance effectiveness and performance. Data for this study was sourced from a wide range of secondary research that has been conducted on topics that align with this study. A number of descriptive findings of theoretical importance were produced after an analysis of data. This study will contribute to existing research in a number of ways including outlining the different types of MIS that can be implemented and used in a business; using MIS for business performance; using MIS for strategic decision making; using MIS for competitive advantage and also factors that hinders the use of MIS. These factors have a huge impact on the strategic direction of an organisation towards attaining its goals and objectives. The findings of the study outline a major relationship between usage of MIS and organisational effectiveness and performance. They provide an all-inclusive outline for determining organisational performance with the use of financial and non-financial measures

Item Type: 
Management Information Systems, strategic planning
Depositing User: 
Mduduzi Menzi Dlamini
Date Deposited: 
05 September 2022 16:30