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Starting something new is always exciting but might also leave you feeling helpless and insecure about how things work. This is why UNICAF has designed the Induction Module that will equip you with all the necessary knowledge and skills that you need to commence your studies. This one month module will guide you through the fundamentals of online learning and how to best utilise UNICAF’s Virtual Learning Environment. At the end of the Induction Module, you will: Know how to navigate the VLE and use the VLE tools: Submit assignments in the VLE Post in an academic discussion forum and reply…

When the time comes that you decide to advance your academic or professional career, the first step should be to reflect: What is your academic or professional goal? What fields are of interest to you? Does the job you want provide employment and career opportunities at your location? Once you have decided what area of studies is right for you, it’s time to find our which course takes you to your goals. You can visit our Partner Programme section to see the available programmes UNICAF offers and read the details about the degrees. As a general rule, the academic…

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