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We are proud to announce a new Master’s program has been added to our online study program extending our level of available courses and further strengthening our partnership with the prestigious University of South Wales. The new course is MSC Business psychology; the programme ‘offers a psychological perspective to understanding key organisational functions such as leadership, organisational culture, change management, marketing and communications. It is a very practical programme which encourages students to consider the application of psychological research evidence to their own working case studies and workplace interventions for change’. The course is split up into 3 parts: CertificateDiplomaMasters…

Relating to our last blog about the essential questions you need to be asking yourself if you’re a current or prospective UNICAF student here’s a few tips in relation to organisation and scheduling. Enjoy! 1. Study Calendar  Make sure you have a study calendar in place; know what you’re going to study and when. And more importantly, know your deadlines so you’re always prepared! 2. Foresight Knowing what’s due, and when, can greatly help in organising your study calendar, the reason for this is simple; looking ahead helps you plan your study time allowing you to begin on a given…

As a prospective or freshly signed up UNICAF student you’ll need to make sure you’re ready and prepared to handle the course and everything else that comes with it. As a result we’ve come up with some brief guidelines that we believe will help you greatly regarding your choice to pursue online study 1. Do you have access to the internet? It’s an obvious question but one that is often overlooked, if you’re applying for, or have been granted a UNICAF scholarship you have to make sure access to the internet is readily available. If you don’t have  access to…